THE DOVE AND THE DRAGON / by Joe Castorino

The Black Dragon uncoils his

Hideous serpentine body,

Threateningly spreading out

His wicked bat-like wings,

Then he rushes downward,

Burning through the dark clouds,

Looking for someone to devour;

But the White Dove of Light

Peacefully and silently uncloaks,

With the Lord of Divine Mercy

Riding valiantly on His back,

And so, they reveal Themselves to

The enemy, who belches forth

Blasphemous flames, utterly terrified;

Then, as the good and Mighty Lord blows

The great Trumpet of Trust,

The Black Dragon,

Wailing in great pain,

Writhes convulsively,

And falls, down, down, down,

Into the murky and malicious

Dungeon of Death.