THE KING OF TIME / by Joe Castorino

I arrogantly acted

as if I owned time,

but I did not,

so the Thief

tempted me

and taunted me,

with interruptions,

and I got exasperated,

so I madly chased him,

like a wild-eyed maniac,

but he just laughed at me,

as if I were a ridiculous fool,

a stupid ridiculous fool.

But when the Light

Showed me The Way,

I surrendered back to Him

His generous gift of time:

Tuus totus ego sum,

I am all yours,

And all the time I have is yours,

O Lord, through Our Lady,

The Queen of All Hearts —

I breathe in His peace,

Oh, so deeply,

And then exhale my impatience,

As I worship

The King of Time,

The King of Divine Mercy.