Based on the writing of St. Francis de Sales

Dearest Heavenly Father,

Through the Holy Spirit

I humbly give you thanks for

The affections and resolutions

You have given me today

In my meditations,

As well as for your great

Goodness and divine mercy.

Eternal Father, I offer to you

The body and blood,

Soul and divinity,

Of your dearly beloved Son,

Our Lord Jesus Christ,

In atonement for our sins,

And those of the whole world.

I wholeheartedly implore you

To share with me the abundant

Graces and virtues

Of your most holy Son,

And to bless my affections and resolutions,

So that I may faithfully fulfill them.

I also thank you for

Having taken care of me today,

And now I will examine

How I have conducted myself

Throughout the course of this day…

For all the good I have done,

I sincerely and wholeheartedly

Thank you for it;

For anything I have done wrong

In thought, word, or deed,

I ask pardon of you,

The Divine Mercy,

And I resolve to confess it

At the first opportunity,

And to make careful

Amendment for it.

In your Divine Providence,

And through the intercession of

Our Lady, the angels,

And the saints,

Please take care of

My body, and my soul,

The Church, and my diocese,

My parish, and my pastor,

My relatives, and my friends,

And everyone else in the world,

That the windows of our souls

Will be closed

Against the shadows of hell.

Thus, with your blessing, dear God,

I go to take the rest

That you have decreed

As necessary for me.


(Follow this with an Our Father and a Hail Mary)