WHAT A WONDERFUL LIFE! / by Joe Castorino

This is the life of

Maria Fedele Castorino,

My dearest mother,

Who has just journeyed

From time to eternity.

She was born 

In the small town of Ripacandida,

In the province of Potenza,

In the region of Basilicata,

In the beautiful country of Italia.

This treasured little babe

Was the youngest of her family,

And she had three older siblings;

Nina, seventeen years her elder,

Was like a second mother to her,

Sweet and gentle, and Rosinella

Was beautiful and good and true.

Her mother, when she was younger, 

Lived with the nuns in the town,

And they taught her how to cook

(and cook very, very well),

But, more importantly, they

Taught her how to revere God;

She said those nuns lived like saints.

Her father was the provider,

And he had lots of land and a farm,

He grew the sweetest of fruits

And the most flavorful of vegetables,

He made a unique and delicious wine

That is unlike any I have ever tasted.

So, in short, my mother grew up

In a truly God-fearing home,

A God-centered home,

And they prayed the Holy Rosary together

Every day, even their blind neighbor 

Would come over and she would join them.

They went to church at San Donato,

The patron saint of the town,

It is a historic little church built 

In the 1400s, and my mother 

Received her first sacraments there.

Each year in early August, 

They would celebrate the

Festa di San Donato

With their fellow townspeople,

And it was a time of joy for them;

She and her father would stand

Right under the bandstand 

To hear classical music,

Which my mom grew to love.

And then little Maria

Went off to school,

To a neighboring town in Melfi

About a 30-minute drive;

During recess she used to like

Playing with her friends

On the old bridge of a

Historic medieval castle, 

The Castle of Melfi.

She was the lucky one in her family,

For she was given the opportunity

For an education, and so,

Her studies brought her to

The bustling city of Napoli,

The city of San Gennaro,

The saint whose blood miraculously 

And mysteriously liquefies.

Along with other boarders,

She lived with the nuns,

And at school she came to know

Her dear friend José

(it’s a pretty French name, 

and it’s pronounced yo-SAY),

The most beautiful girl in her class;

They would walk the streets of

Napoli together, listening to the 

Cheerful music in this happy city.

But one of mom’s highlights there

Was frequently taking trips,

Pilgrimages really, to the

City of Pompei, where she

Visited what is arguably 

The most famous Marian shrine

In all of Italy: The Sanctuary of

The Blessed Virgin of the Rosary,

Built by Blessed Bartolo Longo.

She took me there once,

And she showed me her little spot,

Where she would always kneel,

By the side of the altar,

To offer her prayers to God;

And what a beautiful basilica it is;

In fact, it’s like a smaller version 

Of the magnificent St. Peter’s Basilica 

In Roma, with breathtaking marble columns, 

And the most inspiring sacred art.

But World War II interrupted her life,

And everything was put on hold;

Sometimes she would look in the distance,

And see a multitude of parachutes falling

From the sky, she would hear the bombing

Of military targets, such as Foggia, a city

That was a mere hour and a half away,

And very close to where the great

San Padre Pio had his ministry

In San Giovanni Rotondo;

Word of this good saint spread 

All the way to Ripacandida,

And my mom remembered hearing

Amazing stories about him.

One day, however, stood out

Among all the others: the day

When the Nazis came to town;

The fear of the townspeople was real,

And everyone boarded up their houses,

Making it look like a deserted ghost town;

But one foolish man with a pistol

In the upper part of town

(like many Italian towns, Ripacandida

Was built on the brow of a hill)

Decided to take on the enemy, 

And he fired at the Nazi intruders; 

They conducted a search but 

They never found him, so when

The Nazis arrived in Melfi, 

They started cannonading Ripacandida,

By the grace of God, I don’t think

That anyone was hurt that day, 

But it was a frightening experience

For them all, and a day they

Would certainly never forget. 

In God’s time, mom finished

Her college studies, in accounting,

And then from there, she set her sights

On the United States of America;

Her beloved Zio Antonio 

(or Uncle Anthony in English)

Lived in Brooklyn, New York,

And he was hoping that my mom

Could join him in America;

My mom loved him like a second father,

For he was a courageous, saintly man,

And so she too hoped to be given 

Permission to come to the States. 

But her interview did not go well,

And her request was denied;

My mother cried and cried

Because she so wanted to live

With her Uncle Anthony.

And then her holy sister Rosinella

Had a dream one night, a dream

Of Our Most Blessed Mother, 

Who spoke to her and said,

Maria Fedele partirà!” –

Translated into English this means,

“Maria Fedele will depart!”

And, of course, the good God

Is never outdone in generosity,

My mom was granted a second interview,

And her request was accepted.

She spent one glorious year

With her beloved Uncle Anthony

And his wonderful wife Aunt Fannie,

It was like Heaven on earth for her;

She had so much love and so much

Respect for the two of them,

Living in their little apartment.

But her dream was shattered one night

When she lost her Uncle Anthony, 

Who died like a saint, in his sleep –

Then later on that same week

She received news that her own

Father had also passed away;

She felt lost, but good Aunt Fannie

Helped her through this difficult period,

And their love for each other – and for God – 

Always remained very, very strong;

In time, the two of them became

Third-Order Franciscans.

But as the Venerable Fulton J. Sheen once said,

“When Our Blessed Lord came to this earth,

He had the divine sense of humor” –

And Mom experienced this in her life: 

Aunt Fannie knew an Italian family

That had moved to Southern California,

So they took a trip there, and Mom met Dad, 

And eventually the two of them got married. 

In time, I came along, and this brought 

Great joy both to my mom and dad,

I still remember being a young lad in 

The house (mansion actually) of my grandpa 

In the hills of Glendale, California,

And I remember it being a happy time,

Probably filled with lots of hope for the future.

But, unfortunately, my dad didn’t take care

Of himself – and, he was a chain smoker;

In short, he died very young,

And my mom was a widow 

Just a month before I graduated

From Chaminade College Prep.

But my mom was always and ever

Faithful to him; she never once had a thought

Of remarrying after Dad’s death, 

Because for her marriage was a 

Once-in-a-lifetime thing,

And so, instead, she devoted herself

To raising me in the best way she knew how;

After my father’s death, my mom and I

Grew ever closer, and we were always

There for each other, in the best of times,

And also in the worst of times – 

And we experienced them both.

Then, in the 1980s and 1990s,

God blessed us with the opportunity

To do some travelling to various places,

But the most magnificent ones for her were

Those with the most breathtaking scenery:

Italy, Switzerland, and the Canadian Rockies.

But one travel highlight that stands out

Above the others was our trip to Roma

In September 2000 of the Jubilee Year,

We had the trip – and pilgrimage – of our lives;

We arrived in Roma in early September, 

And on our first day we went to a 

Prayer service in St. Peter’s Basilica,

With Pope St. John Paul II – we were

Both thrilled to be in the presence

Of this very, very holy man

(Who actually looked a little

Like her father).

We went to two papal audiences, 

As well as two papal masses, 

One of which fell on my birthday,

We had a memorable day driving out

To San Giovanni Rotondo, 

To honor good San Padre Pio,

We ate the most delicious of

Italian food, and were inspired by

The beauty of Roma, and also the 

Beauty of La Bella Italia.


A couple of years later, 

When my daughter Maria Laura was born

(Named after my mom and also Our Lady),

A new hope sprung in my mom’s heart –

And a new mission took hold in her heart –

From the moment that she first saw Maria,

She was absolutely and utterly in love;

Through her love, through her example,

And through her prayers, my mom

Was committed to the growth and 

Maturity of Maria Laura: physically,

Intellectually, emotionally, aesthetically,

And, most especially, spiritually.

My mom was also a lover of art,

She loved to do oil paintings,

And was really quite good at it,

And, perhaps without realizing it,

She was devoted to the good, 

The true, and the beautiful;

She loved beautiful things,

And she transformed our new home

In Scottsdale into what we might call

“A Little Church,” filled with sacred art.

As an Italian mother, food was also

Important to her, and she was truly 

A master of the culinary arts:

Zucchine Agrodolce, Antipasto,

Biscotti, Cannoli, Cassata Siciliana,

Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

(Injected with Liqueur), Cime di Rape, 

Focaccia, French Toast, Gnocchi, 

Lasagne, Homemade Pasta, 

Minestrone di Verdure, Pancakes, 

Pepperoni, Pizza Margherita, 

Pizza Imbottita, Pizza di Ricotta, 

Polpettone, Ravioli, Manicotti, 

Sospiri, and on and on and on.

In these early years of Maria Laura’s life,

Mom and I also grew in our

Devotion to the Divine Mercy,

And it became a centerpiece in 

Our prayer lives, especially in

Times of difficulty and trial;

We also prayed the very beautiful 

Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary

(According to St. Louis de Montfort),

And Mom would reconsecrate her life

To Jesus through Our Lady on a daily basis. 

When Maria Laura was old enough,

We took some memorable vacations

To California as well, from San Diego

To Santa Barbara, from Solvang to

San Luis Obispo and the Apple Farm Inn;

We took a special delight in visiting 

The old California missions that were

Established by San Padre Junipero Serra;

Yet all the while, she never seemed to

Think of herself – rather, she looked to

The needs of Maria Laura, always thinking first 

Of her granddaughter’s needs, before her own needs, 

Just as she had done when I was a little boy.

As Maria Laura grew, my mom continued to

Pray and pray and pray and pray – 

Mom rejoiced when Maria Laura

Graduated from Xavier College Prep,

She rejoiced again when Maria Laura –

Not so little anymore – went off to college at 

Loyola Marymount University;

I’m sure Mom’s faithful praying of the 

Most Holy Rosary had a very positive impact

On Maria Laura’s life, where she has been very

Blessed indeed in being part of a strong 

Campus ministry program at Loyola,

Living among faith-filled friends

In the spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola,

Praying his Spiritual Exercises.

Time passed, and Eternity drew nearer.

Although the Coronavirus pandemic 

Struck fear into us all, I think it gave us

The opportunity to face our worst fears,

And by the grace of God, to conquer them. 

During the pandemic, Mom’s physical 

Condition gradually began to deteriorate –

Even though she had lived her 

“Threescore years and ten” – plus another

25 years on top of that – mostly healthy ones;

But in a special way this year, 2022, 

The Lord seemed to be preparing Mom 

For her journey to her Heavenly home.

Like never before, she surrendered

Her life to Our Lord Jesus;

She would get up in the morning,

And sit in front of the window,

Soaking in the beauty of God’s creation,

She developed a new appreciation

For God’s simple gifts at this time,

And she appreciated more than ever

The love and sacrifices that her family

Willingly made on her behalf.

Around the Fourth of July,

Mom’s physical decline became

More swift and noticeable;

But again, the good God is so good,

I was blessed with the opportunity

To be my mom’s caregiver,

Dedicating myself to her 

Like I had never done before.

The Lord was patient with me,

I’m sure I wasn’t the best caregiver,

But I tried my best to lovingly care for her

While juggling the many needs of our family;

Both Maria Laura and I were able to share our love

With Mom, telling her how much we loved her,

And she told us how much she loved us, too.

Time passed and Eternity was at the gate.

August 30, 2022. It was a holy day. It was a holy time.

Then, after Maria Laura went back to the university,

Our pastor came to give Mom the Last Rites,

I opened the door, and it was hard for me to 

Hold back the tears – I was in pain, in very deep

Pain and sorrow, for I knew that Mom was

Close to the time of her flight to Heaven;

Our pastor was so like Jesus, he was so calm,

So encouraging, so strong in the face of adversity –

So like Jesus and Jesus’ foster father St. Joseph –

He was such an inspiration for me, and yet

When he began the Last Rites, at the side of

Mom’s bed, and prayed the beautiful 

Litany of the Saints, I began to weep,

To cry, and then to sob uncontrollably –

I knew that Mom was going to her 

Eternal reward, and yet, because 

I loved her so much and because 

I already missed her so much,

I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed,

My voice cracking badly as I recited

The Litany of the Saints with our pastor.

And then – then! – he recited the

Prayer of all prayers: The Apostolic Blessing,

And I knew what that meant, a complete

Remission of all the damage done by her sins,

In other words: she had a fast pass to Heaven,

She had already been through her Purgatory 

In her many sufferings endured here on earth;

I was thrilled, but I was sincerely suffering, 

Carrying the heavy and painful Cross of Love.

And then — then! — our pastor offered her the

Gift of all gifts: the Most Holy Eucharist,

When he broke off a small piece of the host,

And gave her Holy Communion,

Mom’s light blue eyes opened wide

With wonder — clearly, she recognized the

True presence of Jesus: body, blood, soul, and divinity —

And she received Holy Viaticum to prepare for

Her flight into the majestic splendor of Heaven.

Time passed, and Eternity was knocking at the door.

August 31, 2022. It was the perfect day. It was the perfect time.

Americare Hospice was now assisting me,

They were amazing in caring for Mom,

They also gave me the support that

I so desperately needed at this critical time; 

Mom didn’t have much time left,

And now we were all alone, 

It was just she and I,

The nurse said it was probably

A matter of hours, or days, at the most;

Mom was resting as peacefully

As a saint in the heavenly realm,

And it was around the Hour of Mercy,

I realized that I had never told Mom

About the successful start to

The new school year for Maria Laura, 

And so I went to the side of her bed,

It was a hospital bed that the hospice

Had brought over just that morning,

And it reminded me of a king-size bed

From an elegant five-star hotel,

So I went to the side of the bed,

Several different times, looking into

My mom’s eyes, and starting to tell

Her the story, but every time I began,

I choked up, and I began to sob and cry

All over again – I felt so bad, because

I wanted Mom to know that everything

Was going to be okay, that Maria Laura

And I were protected in God’s hands.

I didn’t know what to do, so I sat

In the La-z-boy chair near my mom’s bed,

In the family room, near the fireplace,

With the beautiful replica of Michelangelo’s

Pietà above the mantle, and the picture of

The Divine Mercy just off to the side;

So I started again, not thinking,

Looking directly in the face of Jesus,

The Divine Mercy, as I spoke to Mom,

And, to my surprise, I found that looking

At Him inspired me with the strength 

I needed to fulfill my task.

So I began again, gazing into the face of

The Divine Mercy, and I told her all about

Maria Laura’s successes in school,

And then I shared how much the 

Two of us loved her, and I thanked 

Her for her love, and for her many sacrifices,

For her prayers on our behalf;

Quite a long time passed, and I 

Bathed in the warmth of God’s 

Indescribable peace as I reminisced with her

About our wonderful trips together,

Our wonderful lives together;

It’s true that Jesus spent 90% of his life

Under the same roof as his mom and dad,

The same is true for me, except that

In my case it’s 100% of my life – 

God works in mysterious ways, 

And He truly is

The God of Surprises.

So, in short, Mom and I were blessed

With a magnificent evening together;

To set a peaceful tone in preparation 

For her approaching flight to Heaven,

I played her favorite classical music DVD,

With cheerful Viennese waltzes of Strauss, 

With lovely ballet selections and classic art, 

But I put the volume low, so that it played

Ever so softly and ever so gently. 

At 10:15 p.m., it was time for her medicine,

And I noticed that her breathing had

Noticeably slowed, yet in spite of this,

She appeared to be very much at peace.

At 10:45 p.m., I checked on her one last time,

Before I went off to bed at her side;

The nurse had prepared me by telling me that

It was very possible that Mom would pass away

During the night, and when I checked Mom,

I saw that her breathing had stopped, 

And yet she appeared more peaceful than ever;

Off and on throughout the day, I had  

Kissed her forehead, and kissed her cheek,

With the sweetness of a faithful son;

Although she was now in Heaven, 

When I kissed her forehead that last time,

She was still warm.

Fittingly enough, as I am preparing

The arrangements for Mom’s funeral mass,

Everything is coming full circle; 

She lived and studied in Napoli, 

The City of San Gennaro,

And now, on September 19, 2022,

On the Feast of San Gennaro,

We will celebrate Mom’s life,

And her supreme joy now in Heaven!

Thank you, Jesus, for the tenderness 

Of Your divine mercy towards Mom, 

And, through her, the divine mercy 

That you have shown to my family,

She passed away as she had hoped

And dreamed that she would pass away:

Gently and sweetly, like a saint;

Thank you, Jesus, for showing me

The fruit of the Spirit in the 

Holy life of my wonderful mother.

What a wonderful life!

Dearest Jesus, King of Divine Mercy,

I pray for myself, for my family,

For my faith community, for the world;

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, 

Have mercy on us, and on the whole world;

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your love,

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your joy,

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your peace,

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your patience,

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your kindness,

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your generosity,

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your faithfulness,

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your gentleness,

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your self-control,

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your divine wisdom,

Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of your divine mercy.

Jesus, I trust in You!