MARIAN SYMPHONY NO. 17 / by Joe Castorino

Mother Most Admirable, the evil one

Tries to run me off the Cliff of Confusion;

This beastly brute tries to bully me and

Push me down into the dreadful abyss.

He’s a miserable wild-eyed monster who

Whispers nothing but worthless wickedness;

He relentlessly ridicules me, spitting

Upon me with the dirty drool of his lies.

Pray that my soul may melt in the majestic

Mercy of the Father of Forgiveness;

In His name, take up the sword of truth

So the evil one will flee in total terror.

Teach me always to appreciate the

Good God’s innumerable gifts to me;

Help me to remember and relish all the

Blessings that I so foolishly take for granted.