MARIAN SYMPHONY NO. 14 / by Joe Castorino

Mirror of Justice, I am bountifully blessed

  In your precious and beloved company;

You honor me with your sweet presence,

  And I thank God for His magnificent mercy.


Through your priceless prayers, you pour

  Living water into my undeserving soul;

My heart feels like it will explode and burst

  With the inexpressible joy of the Holy Spirit.


The evil one blinded me with pretty distractions

  For so many years, and I never appreciated you;

But now, following your example of holy simplicity,

  My life ever so beautifully flowers and blooms.


O Treasured Gift of the Light, your exquisite

  Comeliness sweeps over my soul like a wave;

Cleanse me of all desire to sin, take your hand

  In mine, and peacefully lead me to Paradise.